Website Re-Designing

Typically the redesign of an existing website begins with somebody within the organisation merely concluding that it needs doing for whatever reason. However, rarely is this conclusion based on any concrete data. Typically it is made because the “design looks a bit out of date” or the “technology is not fit for purpose”. That is because a worrying number of organisations do not have any clear idea of their site’s key performance indicators.

Website Re-Design Services

Plan New Site

Audit Existing Site

Test & Deploy

Maintain & Support

Design & Develop


“Usability” is the user-friendliness of a website determined by how easily visitors are able to interact with it or accomplish what they intended to do. 

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests, that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior.

Clean code is code which is easy to read and understand as well as easy for any developer to maintain and modify.

Images help you to tell a story of your business and the services you offer, by providing easy to scan information.